Zaire (s. Indoctro) wins Grand Prix Lummen

Zaire (s. Indoctro) and Guy Williams have won the Grand Prix of Lummen in Belgium. Dougie Douglas (s. Douglas) and Holly Gillott became 2nd and also won a 1.45m class.
U Chin van Schuttershof (s. Chin Chin) and Thierry Goffinet won a 1.45m class against the clock and Vinny Douglas (s. Douglas), ridden by Holly Gillott, won two 1.30m classes.

5th 1.45m class against the clock: Etoile Chin van Seven Oaks (s. Chin Chin), ridden by Geoffrey Cobbaut
8th 1.45m class: Caresse (s. Cardento), ridden by Annika Axelsson
10th 1.45m class: Douglas Hill (s. Douglas), ridden by Eddie Moloney
3rd 1.40m class: U Chin van Schuttershof and Thierry Goffinet
5th 1.40m class: Millioninmind (s. Douglas), ridden by Joseph Clayton
6th 1.40m class: Cavendish (s. Cantos), ridden by Niels Knape
9th 1.40m class: Cannavaro (s. Cardento), ridden by Angelie von Essen
6th 1.35m class against the clock: Honoust Lady (Chin Chin x Cascadeur), ridden by Chloe Vranken
5th 1.30m class: Bugsy Malone d´Hof Ten Bos (Corland x Farmer), gereden door Marine Lenoble

At the 1* jumping of Lummen Bonieta-V (s. Chin Chin) and Benedikte Endresen became 2nd in the Grand Prix.

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