Vatson Sitte (s. Cardento) 3rd in Grand Prix Vilamoura

Vatson Sitte (Cardento x Chellano) and Bernardo Alves placed 3rd in the Grand Prix of Vilamoura in Portugal. Thriller P (Cardento x Lucky Light), ridden by Erika Lickammer, placed 4th.
"" Thriller P

Dougie Douglas (Douglas x High Roller) and Holly Gillott won a 1.45m class and Elvis VI (Wittinger VDL x Zuidhorn), ridden by Harriet Taylor, won a 1.30m class.

2nd 1.45m class: Ares (s. Cardento), ridden by Otavio Jourdan Penedo
3rd and 6th 1.45m classes: Thriller P and Erika Lickhammer
9th 1.45m class: Ferro Chin vh Lindenhof (Chin Chin x Nimmerdor), ridden by Rodrigo Pessoa.
2nd and 8th 1.40m and 6th 1.30m classes: Dynamique DML (Cardento x Emilion), ridden by Martin Dinesen Neergaard
6th 1.40m and 8th 1.30m classes: Dakota (Cardento x Voltaire), ridden by Samantha McIntosh
5th 1.35m class: Winde R.A.G. (Sheraton x Cavalier), ridden by Kayleigh Watts
6th and 9th 1.35m classes: Caractere (Cardento x Volvan Rouge), ridden by Lisa Nooren
10th 1.30m class: Joepie du Coeur des Collines (Indoctro x Clinton), ridden by Jack Dodd

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