Early Chin (s. Chin Chin) 4th in Grand Prix Chevenez

Early Chin (Chin Chin x Emilion) and Magalie Offreda became 4th in the 1* Grand Prix of Chevenez, Switzerland.

At the 2* jumping, Denzel Quantum Leap (Cantos x Indoctro), ridden by Beat Grandjean, placed 10th in a 1.40m class. Desiran (Indoctro x Ahorn), ridden by Marc Röthlisberger, placed 3rd in 1.35m, 3rd and 10th in 1.30m classes and Bersina VDM (Corland x Nimmerdor), ridden by Daniel Etter, placed 7th in a 1.30m class.

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