VDL Bubalu wins Nations Cup in Dublin

Today the Dutch Jumping Team won the Nations Cup in Dublin. VDL Bubalu was with his rider Jur Vrieling competing for the Dutch Team and jumped great, he made the first round one down and the second round was a clear round.

In the Grand Prix of Dublin were good results for the Cardento-son Glory Days, ridden by Daniel Zetterman, they placed 7th in the Grand Prix

The Corland-son Valentino, ridden by Clem MCMAHON won the international class for 7 and 8 year old jumpers and also placed one time 4th. The Indorado-son Willem, ridden by Peter Smyth, placed 9th in this class.

Yesterday VDL Emmerton and Jur Vrieling won the Speed Stakes, a 1.35- 1.45m class.

Bordeaux VDL and Cameron Hanley placed 4th in a 1.35- 1.45m class against the clock.

The Ahorn-son Major de Coquerie, ridden by Kevin Staut, won  a 1.60m class.

Offspring of VDL Douglas and Arkansas striked in the class for 6 year old jumpers. The results in this class were:
1st:  Honeylands Douglasson (by Douglas), ridden by Dave Quigley. 
2nd: I'm one Cool Cookie (by Arkansas), ridden by John Mc Guinness
3rd:  HHS Diamond (by Douglas), ridden by Miguel Bravo
7th:  Ringwood Glen (by Arkansas), ridden by David O'Brien
8th: Warrenstown Ard Cruis (by Douglas), ridden by Tholm Keane   

In the final of the Champinship for 6 year old horses the Arkansas-son I'm one Cool Cookie became reserve-Champion, the Douglas-son Honeylands Douglasson placed 6th and Ringwood Glen placed 7th.

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