Chinchidee Dutch Champion

ChinChidee became today Dutch Champion of the 3 year old jumpingbred mares. ChinChidee (Chin Chin x Contender) is bred and owned by D. Noordhuis from Wijster, the mare was for the 2nd time Champion: as a foal she was also the Dutch Champions.

Also in the Dutch Foal Championship of this year were good results by offspring of VDL Stallions. Placed 3rd became Fanatiki GB, a filly from Harley VDL out of an Ahorn mother, she is bred and owned by G.J. Bom from Zwinderen. Placed 5th became Fargane, a filly from Chin Chin out of an Emilion mother, she is bred and owned by H. and A. Sybrandi-Merkus from Deinum.

Very special in the final was the entrance of Fresia van Dahlia, she is a daughter of the famous stallion Nimmerdor out of an Chin Chin mother. Fresia van Dahlia was bred with frozen semen at the VDL Stud and is one of Nimmerdor's last born filly's. She was selected for the final and with her nice galop she placed 7th.

Other foals in the final of the Dutch Foal Championship:
Fourwies (Corland x Indoctro) placed 10th, she is bred and owned by mr. Abbring from Onnen

Fazall (Zavall x Shindler de Muze) placed 11th, he is bred by M. Bekkers from st. Oedenrode and owned by P. van Mill.

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