Succes in Eventing show for offspring of VDL Stallions.

During the show in Varsseveld (Holland) Tim Lips won with the Corland-son Akarlos. Finished 4th was the Cardento-son Ardenco, ridden by  Hendrik Degros from Belgium. Ardenco and his rider Hendrik Degros are also selected  for the World Championship of 6 years old eventing horses which will be held from the 20th of October until the 23rd of October in  Lion d'Angers in France.

During the international eventing competition in Gatcombe (UK), 4 offsprings of VDL stallions were successful.
Hannah Bates and the young Pacific son Zaire won the CIC1. Also the Emilion son Victory Bay ridden by Georgie Spende is placed fourth.
In the intermediate level there was a victory for Wardento, a son of Cardento, ridden by Charlie Pickman. In the open intermediate competition there was a victory for Orlando, a son of Corland, ridden by Georgie Davis.

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