89 points for Ely VDL

Great scores today for the 3 year old mare Ely VDL (Zirocco Blue x Emilion) for her IBOP test at Tolbert. With her rider Elisah Aarts she received the highest score of the day, a total of 89 points. There were also great scores for Elinea VDL (Marlon x Nimmerdor), she passed her IBOP test with a score of 78,5 points and she was also ridden by  Elisah Aarts.

Also the following offspring of VDL Stallions received nice scores and passed for their IBOP test:
Didgereedoo (Zavall x Indoctro) 79 points, breeder and owner: Sj. de Groot from Hinnaard
Cocobanta (Douglas x Candidat) 78 points, breeder and owner: E. Kuijer from Dwingeloo
Eloise Lan (Zirocco Blue x Nimmerdor), 77 points, breeder : R. Lycklema a Nijeholt and owner: Stal Falkena-Olff from Harich.
Alcira (Indoctro x Highline) 75 ponts , breeder and owner: K. de Weerd from Nieuw Leusen

At the following link you can watch Ely VDl during her IBOP test:

Zirocco Blue: 2 of his daughters passed with nice scores for the IBOP test

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