Valentino Velvet placed 8th in World Cup Qualifier Mechelen

Lunatic (s. Landlord) and Jens Fredricson placed 3rd in the Worldcup Qualifier in Mechelen, Belgium, Valentino Velvet (s. Indoctro) and Simon Delestre placed 8th.

In the Grand Prix of Mechelen Upperstar (s. Silverstone) placed 2nd with Jerome Guery and Vadetta van het Mettenhof (s. Orame) placed 9th with Nicola Philippaerts.

More results for VDL offspring in the 5* horseshow in Mechelen are:
3rd Masters Special: Vedor (s. Indoctro), ridden by Denis Lynch
7th Masters Special: Ursula XII (s. Ahorn), ridden by Scott Brash
9th Masters Special: Vadetta van het Mettenhof and Nicola Philippaerts
6th 1.50m class: Valentino Velvet and Simon Delestre
3rd 1.40m class against the clock: Twister S (s. Indorado), ridden by Denis Lynch

In the 2* horseshow Escape (s. Chin Chin) and Lieven Devos placed three times: 2nd and 4th in two 1.40m classes and 9th in a 1.35m class. Rex G (s. Corland) and Thomas De Wit placed 10th in a 1.40m class.

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