Chiquita (s. Chin Chin) and Bugsy Malone (s. Corland) win in Oliva

Chiquita (s. Chin Chin) and Evie Buller have won class for 6-year old jumpers at the 2* show of Oliva in Spain.
Bugsy Malone d’Hof Ten Bos (Corland x Farmer), ridden by Kaya Luthi, won a 6-year old class also and placed 2nd and 4th in other 6-year old classes.
Whisper H.E. (Corland x Quidam de Revel) placed 7th in the Grand Prix of Oliva.
8th 7- year old class: Jartrum (Orame x Acobat I), ridden by Gustavo Arroyo
4th 1.45m class: Carrento Star (Cardento x Indus), ridden by James Davenport
4th 1.35m class: Lisa de Marchesana (Corland x Piradin X), ridden by Claudio Sbardellati
4th 1.30m class against the clock: Mariell de Marchesana (Indoctro x Zeus), ridden by Claudio Sbardellati
""Carrento Star

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