Traffic Boy (s. Cardento) 6th in Grand Prix San Giovanni in M.

Touchable (Navarone x Goodwill) and Claudia Gisler placed 4th and Traffic Boy (Cardento x Feliciano), ridden by Vincenzo Chimirri, placed 6th in the Grand Prix of San Giovanni in M. in Italy.
Broker VDL (Hold Up Premier x Ahorn) and Guido Balsiger placed 3rd, 4th and 6th in three classes for 7-year old jumpers. Bologna (Emilion x Gerlinus), ridden by Andrew Ramsay, placed 9th in a 1.40m class and Watricia (Pacific x Monaco), ridden by Ginevra Martinoli, placed 10th in a 1.30m class.
""Traffic Boy

CSI 2* Lier, Belgium
Offspring of VDL Stud stallions placed as follows in Lier:
6th 1.40m class: Winn Winn (Chin Chin x Wagenaar), ridden by Gianni Govoni
3rd 1.35m class against the clock: Babette (Corland x Goodtimes), ridden by Malin Parmler
3rd 1.35m class against the clock: Wotherspoon (Indorado x Julio mariner), ridden by Rob Heijligers
4th 1.35m class against the clock: Daiquiti van de Moortelshoeve Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Nabab de Reve), ridden by Thomas de Wit
2nd and 4th 1.30m class: Ukkie (Indoctro x Celano), ridden by Maureen Bonder
7th 1.30m class against the clock: Visette (Matterhorn x Nimmerdor), ridden by Timothy Hendrix
3rd 1.20m class against the clock: Hatlantic A (Atlantic x Fantastique), ridden by Patrik Spits
5th and 9th 1.20m classes: Peu de Pomme (Jus de Pomme x Burggraaf), ridden by Louise van laer

CSI 2* Chevenez, Switzerland
In Chevenez offspring of VDL Stud stallions placed as follows:
Urasinaa (Ahorn x Ariban XX) placed 11th in the Grand Prix with Beat Grandjean.
2nd and 8th 1.35m classes: Wervel (Corland x Indorado), ridden by Annina Zueger
10th 1.35m class against the clock and 2nd 1.30m class: Fly With Me (Douglas x Master Imp XX), ridden by Adrian Schmid
4th 1.30m class: Angelotti (Indoctro x Laval II), ridden by Bronislav Chudyba

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