Indoktro K (s. Indoctro) and Dolinn (s. Cardento) win in Lummen

Dolinn (Cardento x Lux), ridden by Loewie Joppen, won a 6-year old class and Indoktro K van het Kattenheye (Indoctro x Kannan), ridden by Jan Vermeiren , won a 6-year old class against the clock at the 3* jumping in Lummen, Belgium.
Fin Chin Fravanca (Chin Chin x Baloubet du Rouet), ridden by Zoe Anteunis, won a 1.30m class.

More offspring of VDL Stud stallions placed as follows in Lummen:
3rd 6-year old class: Inoktro K and Wim Vermeiren
5th 1.45m class: Zaire (Indoctro x Marlon), ridden by Guy Williams
6th 1.45m class: Quarto Mail (Cardento x Alligator Fontaine), ridden by Eduard Levy

5th 1.40m class against the clock: Zoe (Indoctro x Daimler B), ridden by Reggy Hoffmann
8th 1.40m class against the clock: Flying Saucer das Umburanas (Indoctro x Furioso), ridden by Lisa Nooren
9th 1.40m class against the clock: Care of Love (Cardento x Cortez), ridden by Elin Jansson
4th and 6th 1.35m classes against the clock: Ingliston Wicker (v. Silverstone), ridden by Chloe Vranken
7th 1.35m class against the clock: Javas Keltic Mist (Douglas x Clover Hill), ridden by Greg Broderick
8th 1.35m class against the clock: Daiquiri van de Moortelshoeve (Quasimodo vd Molendreef x Nabab de Reve), ridden by Thomas De Wit
9th 1.35m class against the clock: Felix (Chin Chin x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Rosa Ruutsalo
5th 1.30m class: Gin Chin van het Lindenhof (Chin Chin x Calido I), ridden by Fabrice Galdini
6th 1.30m class against the clock: Augustinus Lan (v. Indoctro), ridden by Evy Morssinkhof

"" Flying Saucer das Umburanas

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