Juraya JB (v. Everglade) Champion foalshow Rolde

Last Saturday was a foalshow in Rolde. Champion of the jumpingbred filly's was Juraya JB (Everglade x Arkansas),  bred by  J. Broekman from  Vledder. Reserve-Champion was the colt Jumping Star (Etoulon x Voltaire), bred by J. J. van Dijk from Ruinerwold.

Also the following foals were placed in the championsring:
5th Jewel BB (Etoulon x Cavalier ), bred by : O. Bakker, Gieterveen
8th Jecoulavsca Fortuna (Zavall x Berlin), bred by: P.& A.M. Rinkes- Tjeenk Willink, Pesse
10th Jonnefee (Everglade x Corland), bred by : M. Roelandschap / J. Emmens, Bunne
11th Jarnick (Indorado x Lupicor), bred by H. Wilting, Wachtum and A. Dillingh, Gasselte


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