Ronaldo (s. Ahorn) 6th in Grand Prix Vilamoura

Ronaldo (s. Ahorn) and Neriske Prinsloo became 6th in the Grand Prix of Vilamoura in Portugal.

Elite Patty K (s. Campbell) and Emma Stoker placed 8th in the final of the 6-year old jumpers.
Arvid (s. Cardento), ridden by Marc Bettinger, placed 3rd and 5th in two 1.35m classes against the clock and Mezzaluna Tok (s. Corland), ridden by Nando de Miranda, placed 8th in one of those same classes.
ARD Spun Gold (s. Douglas), ridden by Colin Keeling, placed 10th twice in 1.30m classes against the clock.


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