4 offspring of VDL Stallions in top 10 Rolex Grand Prix Brussels

Four  offspring of VDL Stallions in the Top 10 of the Rolex Grand Prix at CSI 5* Bruxelles today:
2nd Amelia (Cantos x Numero Uno), ridden by Karim El Zoghby
5th VDL Groep Arera C (Indoctro x Voltaire), ridden by Maikel van der Vleuten
6th Silvana HDC (Corland x Widor), ridden by Kevin Staut
10th Hello M'Lady (Indoctro x Baloubet du Rouet), ridden by Scott Brash

Zarco (Corland x Goodtimes), ridden by Karim El Zoghby , placed 7th in a 1.60m class.

"" VDL Groep Arera C

CSI 2* Brussels
Uchingo Imperio Egipcio (Chin Chin x Carthago) and Petronella Andersson placed 6th in the 2* Grand Prix of Wolvertem Brussels.

Dirocco B (Zirocco Blue x Lux) and Darragh Kenny won a 7/8-year old class against the clock. Balans RV (Cardento x Emilion), ridden by Hilary Mc Nemey won a 1.40m class and Watch Me (Cantos x Wolfgang), ridden by Michael van den Bosch, won a 1.40m class against the clock.

More offspring of our stallions placed as follows:
2nd 1.45m class: Watch Me and Michael van den Bosch
8th 1.45m class: Uchingo Imperio Egipcio and Petronella Andersson
8th 1.40m class: Chesney (Indoctro x Kannan), ridden by Tiffany Foster
8th 1.40m class against the clock: Wieminka B (Cardento x Silvio I), ridden by Wesley Newlands
5th 1.35m class: Elaba de Laubry (Chin Chin x Skippy II), ridden by Damien Haelterman
6th 1.35m class: Fragile van het Paradijs (s. Indoctro), ridden by Emilie Conter

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