Celebrity VDL 4th and Baltic VDL 7th in Grand Prix Wierden

In the Grand Prix of Wierden Ernesto Canseco Olvera placed 4th with Celebrity VDL (Indoctro x Emilion) and the approved stallion Baltic VDL, ridden by James Billington, placed 7th. Interline H (Indoctro x Elmshorn), ridden by Annet Willems, placed 10th.

VDL Holland vd Bisschop (Heartbreaker x Libero H) won with Remco Been a 1.45m class and Crespo VDL and Kirsten Rikkert won a 1.30m class.

Davall VDL (Zavall x Indorado), ridden by Ernesto Canseco Olvera, placed 7th in the ’Championat of Wierden’ and they also finished 10th in a 1.40m class.

There were more high placings in Wierden:
2nd 1.35m + 8th 1.40m: Diamond (Douglas x Continue), ridden by Manon Hees
5th 1.35m: VDL Chin Quidam (Chin Chin x Quidam de Revel), ridden by Remco Been
6th 1.30m: Dusty (Douglas x Berlin), ridden by Manon Hees
8th 1.35m: Emotion VDL (Arezzo x Contender), ridden by Ernesto Canseco Olvera
8th 1.30m: Charley VDL (Harley x Indoctro), ridden by Ernesto Canseco Olvera
8th 1.20m: D (Douglas x Baloubet du Rouet), ridden by Kim Bekhuis
8th 1.20m: Fito R (Zirocco Blue x Goodwill), ridden by Danine Pater
9th 1.25m: Eminence (Arezzo x Pacific), gereden dor Rob Schipper
9th 1.20m: Endeavour (Cantos x Indorado), ridden by Joyce Haselbekke

"" Baltic VDL

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