Jonka-A (by Cardento) wins in Gorla Minore

GORLA MINORE - Jonka-A (by Cardento) has won the CSI3* 1.40m in Gorla Minore with the French rider Fanny Skalli. For Fun VT (by Zirocco Blue VDL) and the Austrian Gerfried Puck finished third in this competition. Jonka-A also won prizes in the CSI3*  Grand Prix.

In the CSI3* 1.45m, Garezzo (by Arezzo VDL) and the Italian rider Giovanni Consorti finished in a nice eighth place. For Fun VT was also placed here. In another CSI3* 1.45m competition, Garezzo became sixth.

In the CSI3 * over 1.40m, Caribo (by Cardento), breeder Daniel Jonsson from Uppsala, finished in seventh place with the Italian rider Alberto Carrara.

Felicia (by Harley VDL) and Giovanni Consorti have claimed the victory in the CSI3 * over 1.30m. In another 1.30 course, the successful combination finished fifth. In the CSIYH1 * over 1.35m there was a nice second place for Gelice de Fremis (by Zirocco Blue) and Steve Guerdat. Holdora W (by Classe VDL) and Clara Pezzoli became eighth here.

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Cardento VDL

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