VDL Fakir (s. Indorado) 2nd in 1.45m Ranshofen

VDL Fakir (Indorado x Zadok) and Ales Opatrny became 2nd in a 1.45m class at the jumping of Ranshofen in Austria.

Zeus 175 (Zirocco Blue x Landjunge), ridden by Helmut Schönstetter won a 1.30m young jumpers class

8th 1.35m and 8th 1.30m classes: For Fun VT (Zirocco Blue x Indorado), ridden by Gerfried Puck


CSI3* Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany
2nd 1.50m and 3rd 1.40m classes: Isabeau de Laubry (Cardento x Chin Chin) and Marlon Modolo Zanotelli
8th 1.50m, 2nd 1.45m and 5th 1.40m classes: First Baltic (Baltic VDL x Chin Chin), ridden by Michael Hughes

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VDL Fakir

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